Sometimes, cats are inevitably put in stressful situations which may lead to urine marking and scratching.
It is vital to reassure and provide a calming environment for them.
Feliway mimics the feline facial pheromone normally produced by a cat when it deposits its own facial pheromones in the environment.
The diffuser is ideal for use with behavioral problems like urine marking, vertical scratching, loss of appetite, avoidance of social contact, or when moving to a new home.
Synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromones 2%, excipients.
Usage Guidelines:
1.Remove the bottle cap.
2.Screw diffuser onto the bottle and gently tighten.
3.Plug into an electric socket.
Place the plug-in in the room most used by the cat during the day.
Feliway should always be used for at least four weeks. The diffuser should remain switched on continuously and the refill replaced as required. If you are using the Feliway Spray, it should be applied daily for at least one month, even if you see an improvement. Please be aware though in some situations longer use may be required. Please speak to your veterinary practice for further details.
*Product image and information are correct at the time of publishing on this website. For the most accurate information and image, please refer to the actual product.