Earrific! Freshdeodorizes and gently clean, dry and acidify your pet's ear canal. This provides an ideal environment for healthy ears. It is a pH-balanced and non-irritating. Helps prevent build-up of bacteria and yeast. Effective at rapidly and comfortably removing dirt and waxes from the ear canals while safely eliminating odors, leaving your pet with a clean, fresh ear.
Earrific! Fresh is suitable for dogs and cats of all ages. It may be used regularly as part of ear grooming for your pet. Its gentle formula is also suited for use during ear inflammation or infection, or prior to administration of other ear preparations in the treatment of otitis externa. Earrific! Freshshould not interfere with other ear medications.
Active ingredients: Salicylic acid, benzoic acid, lactic acid, malic acid.
120 ml
Usage Guidelines:
Appy earrific Fresh liberally into the ear canal. Massage the base of the ear. Allow pet to shake head. Clean excess with a cotton ball.