Having proper pet litter for pets is an important aspect of taking care of pets so as to maintain hygiene levels and overall cleanliness. Pet Dream paper pure present an environmentally friendly pet litter that comprises of recycled natural products.
Due to the usage of recycled natural products, Pets Dream paper pure is a product that is 100% biodegradable. Being extremely absorbent, it is able to trap odours compared to regular litter and is also very economical. Due to its absorbency, you can ensure that your furry friend’s cage or hutch can be kept dry to prevent odour and other unsanitary conditions.
This environmentally friendly pet bedding is made only from natural products thus completely safe for your pet. It can be used for various pets from cats and ferrets to rabbits and other small pets.
Keep your pets’ environment clean with Pets Dream paper pure animal bedding and still do your part for nature conservation today! Visit your nearest Pet Lovers Centre to pick up a bag today!